That's almost 30,000 more than last year, and the summer's not even over yet

Last year, more than 40,000 injuries were reported from the use of nonmotorized push scooters for the whole year. This year so far, there have been more than 68,000 injuries. That's almost 30,000 more than last year, and the summer's not even over yet. The number of deaths also increased to 13 nationwide, - compared to five last year.

Statistics show that most of the injuries happen to kids under the age of 15 and that the younger the child, the more severe the injury.

What kind of injuries are the most common?

By far the most common injuries are broken bones and joint dislocations in the upper extremities, but there are also a lot of lacerations, contusions, abrasions, strains, and sprains.

How can kids avoid these injuries?

Protective gear is the most important way of preventing injury, and an estimated 60% of injuries could be avoided by using equipment like a helmet and elbow and kneepads. But you should not ride at night, and you should avoid traffic because some of the most severe injuries involve result from collision with cars. Avoid gravel or uneven pavement that can make the scooter unstable, and wear sturdy shoes for better protection and control.

One of the inherent problems with scooters is their fundamental design. It’s easy to put your weight forward, which can make it harder to control if you take a turn too sharply. And although many injuries to the wrist occur when people fall over, wrist guards are not recommended because they make it more difficult to grip the handlebars. Gloves may offer better grip and protection to the hands.

How old should a child be before riding a scooter?

The Consumer Product Safety Commission says that children under 8 years old should only be riding scooters under close adult supervision. Children under 12 shouldn’t ride motorized scooters, which can reach much higher speeds and require brake and accelerator coordination.

Are motorized scooters legal?

It varies from place to place and you should check with your local authorities to find out what the regulations are in your neighborhood. But many places do not allow them in the street or public areas.

How can parents tell if their children are ready to ride a scooter?

One good indicator is how well they ride a bike. Since the skills are similar, if your child is confident on a bike, they probably have the skills for a scooter, too. If they are a little shaky, they probably aren’t ready yet.

To summarize, The US Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) recommends the following safety guidelines:

For more safety tips, visit the U.S. Consumer Product - Safety Commission official Web site.©MMII CBS Worldwide Inc. All Rights Reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed

More in Music "The X Factor," meanwhile, will likely undergo some changes next season

Tate Stevens, Season 2 winner of "The X Factor," has signed a record deal with Syco Music/RCA Records Nashville, Simone Cowell's label. The 37-year-old country singer is currently writing and recording songs - for his major-label debut, due out this spring.

0131 173357, 气质" style="max-width:430px;float:left;padding:10px 10px 10px 0px;border:0px;">Stevens tweeted the news Tuesday:

This is really a dream come true, signed with Syco music, RCA Nashville. I am blessed because of you! #tatenation

The Missouri native did well on Cowell's show on Fox, never finding himself below second place during the voting period. Placed in the over-25 category, Stevens was mentored by producer L.A. Reid.

Stevens released an independent album in 2008.

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"The X Factor," meanwhile, will likely undergo some changes next season. Mentor Britney Spears recently announced that she's leaving the show. There's no word on the line-up for - Season 3.

The number of deaths also increased to 13 nationwide, compared to five last year

Last year, more than 40,000 injuries were reported from the use of nonmotorized push scooters for the whole year. This year so far, there have been more than 68,000 injuries. That's almost 30,000 more than last year, and - the summer's not even over yet. The number of deaths also increased to 13 nationwide, compared to five last year.

Statistics show that most of the injuries happen to kids under the age of 15 and that the younger the child, the more severe the injury.

What kind of injuries are the most common?

By far the most common injuries are broken bones and joint dislocations in the upper extremities, but there are also a lot of lacerations, contusions, abrasions, strains, and sprains.

How can kids avoid these injuries?

Protective gear is the most important way of preventing injury, and an estimated 60% of injuries could be avoided by using equipment like a helmet and elbow and kneepads. But you should not ride at night, and you should avoid traffic because some of the most severe injuries involve result from collision with cars. Avoid gravel or uneven pavement that can make the scooter unstable, and wear sturdy shoes for better protection and control.

One of the inherent problems with scooters is their fundamental design. It’s easy to put your weight forward, which can make it harder to control if you take a turn too sharply. And although many injuries to the wrist occur when people fall over, wrist guards are not recommended because they make it more difficult to grip the handlebars. Gloves may offer better grip and protection to the hands.

How old should a child be before riding a scooter?

The Consumer Product Safety Commission says that children under 8 years old should only be riding scooters under close adult supervision. Children under 12 shouldn’t ride motorized scooters, which can reach much higher speeds and require brake and accelerator coordination.

Are motorized scooters legal?

It varies from place to place and you should check with your local authorities to find out what the regulations are in your neighborhood. But many places do not allow them in the street or public areas.

How can parents tell if their children are ready to ride a scooter?

One good indicator is how well they ride a bike. Since the skills are similar, if your child is confident on a bike, they probably have the skills for a scooter, too. If they are a little shaky, they probably aren’t ready yet.

To summarize, The US Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) recommends the following safety guidelines:

For more safety tips, visit the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission official Web site.©MMII CBS Worldwide Inc. All Rights Reserved. This material - may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed

"I think it's a shame," says Dr

Stem cells are what the scientific buzz, and religious and ethical fuss, are all about. They are the basic cells from which all other cells in the body develop. The ReNeuron company in England is growing cells from the brains of human fetuses in incubators. They have been manipulated so they will live and reproduce forever. The aim is to coax them into becoming specialized brain cells.

"We have developed 150 cell lines from the human fetal brain," says Dr. Martin Edwards, CEO of ReNeuron.

Edwards used to work in America. He returned - to Britain to launch a stem cell research company with the aim of bringing treatments for - brain disorders to market. He knows a number of American scientists are planning to come here as well.

"The uncertainty in the US, particularly in regard to academic researchers, about the availability of federal funding, is making people think hard about whether the US is the place to be."

Already, one prominent American researcher, Roger Pedersen of the University of California, is headed for Britain and other leading scientists are now worried about a brain drain.

"I think it's a shame," says Dr. Ben Barres, a neurobiologist at Stanford University Medical School. " I think it's a shame that our best stem cell scientists are going to feel that they need to move to another country to pursue their research program."

And Britain is ready to welcome them with open arms.

The prospects for the business of stem cell research seem greater in Britain right now because the British have discussed all the issues, the debate here is less heated, and they've developed rules, overseen by the head of one of the Oxford University colleges, that most people seem comfortable with.

Ruth Deech and her government-appointed committee regulate all human embryo research in Britain, both public and private. She sees immense benefits from Britain's pragmatic approach.

"There will be spin-off companies, quite rightly so, which will bring these benefits not just to this country, but I hope all over the world," says Deech, chairman of the regulatory authority.

Britain led the way more than 20 years ago with the first test tube baby, Louise Brown. It may well lead the way again if American scientists emigrate to the more supportive climate in the Britain.©MMII CBS Worldwide - Inc. All Rights Reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed

You are a craftsman and you want to complete your work

River Phoenix died before his final film, "Dark Blood," was ever released.

But it will soon officially see the light of day for the first time in North America, debuting at the Miami Film Festival in March.

Also starring Jonathan Pryce and Judy Davis, "Dark Blood" follows Boy (Phoenix), a young widower who retreats to the desert after his wife dies of radiation following nuclear tests near their home. He encounters a Hollywood couple who travel to the desert on a second honeymoon in an effort to save their marriage. After their car breaks down in the middle of nowhere, they seek refuge in Boy's shack, not realizing they will soon become his prisoners.

"Dark Blood," directed by George Sluizer, was 80 percent finished when Phoenix died on Oct. 31, 1993 at age 23 of a drug overdose. The footage, filmed in Utah, went into storage, and according to a press release, in 1999, the dutch filmmaker discovered - that the insurance company - wanted to destroy it. He decided to save the material by getting the unedited footage out of storage and shipped to the Netherlands. In 2008, Sluizer, facing his own illness at the time, chose to finish it.

More in Movies

"It was a kind of urgency," he said in a statement. "The director Michelangelo Antonioni once said, 'If I can't film I prefer to die.' I can find myself in these words. You are a craftsman and you want to complete your work. I am a perfectionist. I wanted to finish 'Dark Blood' and I also wanted to preserve the cast and crew's creative work."

"Dark Blood is a film of legend, one of Hollywood's great mysteries," Miami Film Festival executive director Jaie Laplante said in a statement. "The tragic loss of River Phoenix's outstanding talent is still profoundly felt 20 years later. We are proud that George Sluizer has honored Miami as the place to finally share his remarkable collaboration with Phoenix and the other great artists involved with 'Dark Blood.'"

"Dark Blood" had its European premiere last fall at the Dutch Film Festival.

According to The Hollywood Reporter, Phoenix's family doesn't want to be involved in the release of the film, saying, "Despite George Sluizer's claim that he has been communicating with River Phoenix's family in regard to releasing River's last film, Joaquin Phoenix and his family have not been in communication with the director nor will they participate in any way."

Joaquin Phoenix, 38, - meanwhile, just received a best actor Oscar nomination for his role in 2012's "The Master."

One of the inherent problems with scooters is their fundamental design

Last year, more than 40,000 injuries were reported from the use of nonmotorized push scooters for the whole year. This year so far, - there have been more than 68,000 injuries. That's almost 30,000 more than last year, and the summer's not even over yet. The number of deaths also increased to 13 nationwide, compared to five last year.

Statistics show that most of the injuries happen to kids under the age of 15 and that the younger the child, the more severe the injury.

What kind of injuries are the most common?

By far the most common injuries are broken bones and joint dislocations in the upper extremities, but there are also a lot of lacerations, contusions, abrasions, strains, and sprains.

How can kids avoid these injuries?

Protective gear is the most important way of preventing injury, and an estimated 60% of injuries could be avoided by using equipment like a helmet and elbow and kneepads. But you should not ride at night, and you should avoid traffic because some of the most severe injuries involve result from collision with cars. Avoid gravel or uneven pavement that can make the scooter unstable, and wear sturdy shoes for better protection and control.

One of the inherent problems with scooters is their fundamental design. It’s easy to put your weight forward, which can make it harder to control if you take a turn too sharply. And although many injuries to the wrist occur when people fall over, wrist guards are not recommended because they make it more difficult to grip the handlebars. Gloves may offer better grip and protection to the hands.

How old should a child be before riding a scooter?

The Consumer Product Safety Commission says that children under 8 years old should only be riding scooters under close adult supervision. Children under 12 shouldn’t ride motorized - scooters, which can reach much higher speeds and require brake and accelerator coordination.

Are motorized scooters legal?

It varies from place to place and you should check with your local authorities to find out what the regulations are in your neighborhood. But many places do not allow them in the street or public areas.

How can parents tell if their children are ready to ride a scooter?

One good indicator is how well they ride a bike. Since the skills are similar, if your child is confident on a bike, they probably have the skills for a scooter, too. If they are a little shaky, they probably aren’t ready yet.

To summarize, The US Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) recommends the following safety guidelines:

For more safety tips, visit the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission official Web site.©MMII CBS Worldwide Inc. All Rights Reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed


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